
Where motherhood
and work intersect.

Work-life balance is a myth.

2.3 million women in the U.S. have completely dropped out of the labor force in the last year, according to the National Women’s Law Center. It’s clear what so many of us have known for a while: work-life balance is a myth.


Our morning commute was cut.

But so was the “break” that in-person school provided, and from there, mom guilt, overwhelm, increasing work demands, non-stop zoom calls, mental health decline, and cramped quarters took over.

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LUMO provides solutions to the challenges that working moms face. Our suite of programs help to retain and support your company’s current and future working moms while providing an exceptional personal and professional growth experience.

Our courses are created to address the specific challenges that come with being a mom-as-employee in today’s career landscape and is designed to give the business tools that help moms enhance productivity and personal satisfaction at work.

LUMO Moms walk away with better tools that help them develop and flourish in their various roles and grow as powerful leaders who feel respected and valued in their careers.

Our team works directly with your HR or management team to tailor this offering to your company.

This includes:

  • Expecting Mom's Online Program

  • Executive Coaching

  • Leadership Training

  • Return to In-person Work Program

  • Parental Retention Course for HR, Managers & Leaders

  • DARE TO LEAD™ Training

  • Half-Day and Full-Day Corporate Training

  • Webinars & Interactive Workshops

LUMO’s course structure is presented with the intention of combining our content with your company’s work culture and environment.


“I have battled with guilt and perfection, over-work, and motherhood. LUMO has helped me change my lens and let go of some deep-seeded ideals of how a mom “should” operate.”

— B.B., Charlotte

Organizations we’ve worked with
